League of Legends Monthly Tournament

League of Legends Monthly Tournamentremake 2

Where: 429 Ann Street, Brisbane, Queensland

When: First Day First Week of every Month

How to Join:Simply sign out the form below

Requirement:Just Bring yourself and four friends! and 1 dollar entry fees

Prize: Razer Mouse


(Source: http://riot-web-static.s3.amazonaws.com/images/news/March_2013/03_06_2013_-_razer_mouse_announcement/Razer_Article_Banner.jpg)

Everybody! Listen Up! Here come the monthly contest of League of Legends. Every month , we will offer to the winner team different prize! This months prize is a RAZER Mouse which worth a lot of money! The only way to win it is to participate in the game tournament! All you have to do is gather four of your friends and form a five man team! All  you need to do is defeat other team with three win out of two match! We will offer the computer for the game, food and beverage for the audience, so come and join along and let have fun! For the team, the team leader only have to paid 5 dollar for the entry fees of the competition and the audience will only have to pay 1 dollar per person! Don’t Miss Out!! See you in the game!

Form to sign up!

Prize: Razer Mouse

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